THE ECONOMICS OF MONEY AND BANKING LESTER V. CHANDLER - 5 - Tokyo, Japan Publicaciones Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 1959 - 189p.

Incluye indice analitico pag.549

1.The nature and functions of money and finance. / 2.The roles of money. / 3.Kinds of money. / 4.Debt credit and financial instruments. / 5.Financial intermediaries. / 6.Commercial banking. / 7.Banking history of the united states. / 8.The commercial-bank policies. / 9.Bank expansion and contraction. / 10.Commercial-bank policies. / 11.Central banking. / 12.The federal reserve system. / 13.Federal reserve credit and bank reserves. / 14.Instruments of monetary management. / 15.The monetary system: an overall view. / 16.Monetary theory. / 17.An introduction to monetary theory. / 18.Gross national product or expenditures. / 19.Consumption saving an investment. / 20.Supply of and demand for money. / 21.Government fiscal operations an polices. / 22.International monetary relations. / 23.The international monetary system. / 24.International payments and exchange rates. / 25.International monetary policies. / 26.American monetary policy. / 27.United states monetary policies 1914-1929. / 28.Monetary policy in the depression 1930-1940. / 29.Monetary policy 1941-1951. / 30.Monetary policy 1951-1959. / 31.Monetary policy in the 1960. / 32.The future.


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