EXPRESS IT IN ENGLISH MANUEL ANGEL M. - Colombia Educar Editores 1983 - 159p.

1.Preparing a trip / 2.Talking about vacation / 3.At the travel agency / 4.Getting things ready / 5.At the airport / 6.Stopover on an island / 7.Impressions / 8.Lodging / 9.Eating / 10.Going places / 11.Touring in London / 12.A play / 13.Sightseeing / 14.Going shopping / 15.Calling home / 16.Country life / 17.Making new friends / 18.Panoramic views / 19.At the farm / 20.Outdoor activities / 20.Evaluation / 21.Pronunciation / 22.Vocabulary / 23.Grammar / 24.Reading comprehension / 25.Conversation / 25.Glosary / 26.Module uno / 27.Module dos / 28. Module tres / 29.Module cuatro / 30. Module cinco



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