Incluye vocabulario pag.98

1.Generations / 2.To talk about personal features and personality / 3.Present and past tenses / 4.To talk about family relationships / 5.Adverbs of degree: a bit / 6.To talk about one's ancestors / 7.Extremely, not at all, quite, rather, very / 8.Careers / 9.To say how long you've done something / 10.Present perfect tense with for, since, yet, already, just / 11.To talk about careers / 12.Present perfect progressive / 13.To fill in an application form / 14.Modal auxiliaries:may, might / 15.To write a letter of application / 16.To talk about possibility / 17.What will be will be / 18.To talk about the future / 19.Future whit will / 20.To make predictions / 21.Will vs going to / 22.To express opinions / 23.Like for comparing / 24.To agree and disagree / 25.What are the chances / 26.To talk about probability / 27.To talk about cause and effect / 28.To invite; to accept and requests / 29.To make arrangements / 30.To warn or to threaten / 31.First conditional / 32.Let's / 33.Shall l / 34.You and your health / 35.To talk about one's health / 36.To express sympathy / 37.To ask for and give advice / 38.To make, accept, and refuse suggestions / 39.Modal auxiliaries: Should, ought to had better / 40.Reflexive pronouns / 41.To discuss people's problems / 42.To ask for and to give advice / 43.To talk about consequences / 44.Conjunctions: because, so, in case, therefore / 45.Be able to / 46.Dear friends / 47.To apologize and accept apologies / 48.To write accepting or / 49.refusing an invitation / 50.To write a formal letter of excuse / 51.To write greeting cards and congratulate / 52.Modal auxiliary: Could emphatic / 53.Conjunction: So / 54.Verbs: Lend vs borrow / 55.What's it made of / 56.To describe what something is made of and where it is made / 57.To describe processes / 58.To describe things / 59.The passive / 60.Nouns used as adjectives / 61.Only the best / 62.To compare people, places, things, and animals / 63.To express preference / 64.To express opinions / 65.To agree and disagree / 66.To talk about advertising / 67.Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives / 68.Adverbs: as, as, more/less, the most/ the least, worse/ the worst / 69.Would rather vs prefer / 70. Wishful thinking / 71.To talk about situations that imply a condition / 72.To talk about hypothetical or improbable situations / 73.To give advice / 74.To talk about time travel / 75.Second conditional / 76.Conditionals whit could and might / 77.I wonder what happened / 78.To talk about events that happened in the past before others/ 79.To speculate about facts / 80.To make conjectures / 81.To express regrets / 82.To make wishes / 83.Past perfect tense can't be, must be / 84.verb to wish / 85.Messages / 86.To report what people said / 87.To relate messages / 88.To complain / 89.Reported speech



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