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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroSeries: INTERACTING IN ENGLISH / RUTH PAPENHEIM M. Editor: Colombia ; Educar Editores ; 1990Edición: 3.Descripción: 122p.ISBN: 958-05-0296-X.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 P.218 V.3 Resumen: 1.Talking about tv programs / 2.Indefinite articles / 3.The definite article / 4.Pronounce/ 5.Commenting on a film / 6.Using present participles as adjectives / 7.Reading as entertainment / 8.Crossword puzzle / 9.Verbs with prepositions / 10.Quantifiers / 11.Pronounce - st - sn - sp - and - sk / 12.Solving puzzles / 13.Expressing possibility with if / 14.Expressing conditions and results with if / 15.Pronunce - ks - kst - t - st - it - and - p / 16.Quarrelling with friends / 17.Using gerunds after verbs / 18.Using gerunds as nouns / 18.Discussing physical fitness / 19.Frequency words before principal verbs / 20.Frequency words with be / 21.Unstressed intonation / 22.reading about tournaments / 23.Spelling of regular past forms / 24.Pronunciation of regular past endings / 25.Getting information about famous athletes / 26.Superlatives / 27.Irregular superlative forms / 28.Reading dates / 29.Writing to pen pals / 30.Using gerunds after prepositions / 31.Talking about souvenirs / 32.Prepositions at the end of questions / 33.Intonation in WH - questions / 34.Telling jokes / 35.Using question words to link clauses and phrases / 36.Discussing about vehicles / 37.Comparatives / 38.Irregular comparative forms / 39. Comparison in terms of equality similarity and diference / 40.Talking about music / 41.Questions and answers with verbs in the past / 42.Evaluating skills in photography / 43.Possesives / 44.Expresing purpose with to and for / 44.Attending a lecture on painting / 45.Past participles as modifiers / 46.Talking the first steps in the literary writing / 47.The present perfect
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1.Talking about tv programs / 2.Indefinite articles / 3.The definite article / 4.Pronounce/ 5.Commenting on a film / 6.Using present participles as adjectives / 7.Reading as entertainment / 8.Crossword puzzle / 9.Verbs with prepositions / 10.Quantifiers / 11.Pronounce - st - sn - sp - and - sk / 12.Solving puzzles / 13.Expressing possibility with if / 14.Expressing conditions and results with if / 15.Pronunce - ks - kst - t - st - it - and - p / 16.Quarrelling with friends / 17.Using gerunds after verbs / 18.Using gerunds as nouns / 18.Discussing physical fitness / 19.Frequency words before principal verbs / 20.Frequency words with be / 21.Unstressed intonation / 22.reading about tournaments / 23.Spelling of regular past forms / 24.Pronunciation of regular past endings / 25.Getting information about famous athletes / 26.Superlatives / 27.Irregular superlative forms / 28.Reading dates / 29.Writing to pen pals / 30.Using gerunds after prepositions / 31.Talking about souvenirs / 32.Prepositions at the end of questions / 33.Intonation in WH - questions / 34.Telling jokes / 35.Using question words to link clauses and phrases / 36.Discussing about vehicles / 37.Comparatives / 38.Irregular comparative forms / 39. Comparison in terms of equality similarity and diference / 40.Talking about music / 41.Questions and answers with verbs in the past / 42.Evaluating skills in photography / 43.Possesives / 44.Expresing purpose with to and for / 44.Attending a lecture on painting / 45.Past participles as modifiers / 46.Talking the first steps in the literary writing / 47.The present perfect

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