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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: USA ; [s.n.]. ; 1975Descripción: 432p.ISBN: 673-04852-7.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 B.761 V.7 Resumen: 1.Writing paragraphs / 2.The secret of the two ingredients / 3.The clincher sentece / 4.A closer look at the two ingredients / 5.Details giving specific examples / 6.Details giving specific steps / 7.Detail giving specific reasons /8.Using an incident as ingredient #2 / 9.Using What You ave Learned:In Homework and in tests / 10.Using What You Have Learned:In Telling Abaut Books / 11.EXPERIENCES WHIT WORDS / 12 .Increasing Youy Vocabulary / 13.Recognizing clues in context / 14.Direct explanation / 15.Getting clues from examples / 16.Getting clues from contrasts / 17.Getting clues from similar words / 18.Clues in combination / 19.Specific ang General Words / 20.Two Types of Adjetives / 21.Using Comparisons / 22.USING THE DICTIONARY / 23.Finding Words Quickly / 24.The Dictionary as a Spelling Check / 25.Compound words / 26.Dividing words / 27.The Dictionary Helps whit Pronunciation / 28.Accent marks / 29.The Dictionary Helps whith meaning / 30.SPEAKING EXPERIENCES / 31.Feeling at the home Before a Group / 32.Making an Announcement / 33.Telling How to Make or Do Something / 34.Sharing Knowledge whith Others / 35.Giving Directions / 36.Speaking Distinctly / 37.WRITING LETTERS / 38.Wrinting a Good letter / 39.What makes the letter good / 40.The appearance of the letter / 41.The parts of the friendly letter / 42.The heading / 43.The Salutation / 44.The closing / 45.The signature / 46.Addressing the envelope / 47.Special-Purpose Friendly Letters / 48.A thank-you letter / 49.Another Kind of thank-you letter / 50.A letter of invitation / 51.An answer to an invitation / 52.Writing Business Letters / 53.The parts of a business letter / 54.The heading / 55.The inside address / 56.The salutation / 57.The body / 58.The closing / 59.The signature / 60.The appearance of the letter / 61.Folding the letter / 62.Sending for free materials / 63.Ordering merchandise by mail / 64.Expressing appreciation / 65.PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE / 66.The Principles of Parliamentary Procedure / 67.The languaje of parliamentary procedure / 68.How to Take Part in Meetings / 69.Amendments / 70.Order of business / 71.Preparing an agenda / 72.Handling of motions / 73.Taking a vote / 74.Keeping order / 75.How to Be Secretaryof a Club / 76.Attendance records / 77.Minutes / 78.How to Electo Officers / 79.SUBJECTS AND PREDICATES / 80.Subjets and Predicate the Essencial Parts of a Sentence / 81.The Verb / 82.Verbs of more than one word / 83.The Simple Subject / 84.More About Subjects / 85.Subjects in inverted sentences / 86.Subjects in questions / 87.Subjetcs in command sentences / 88.Nouns / 89.Concrete nouns / 90.Abstract nouns / 91.Pronouns / 92.When Is a Verb Not a Verb? / 93.THE SENTENCE PATTERNS / 94. Pattern 1: S-V / 95.Pattern 2 :S-V-O / 96.Spotting the direct object / 97.Pattern 3: S-V-IO-O / 98.Recognizing indirect objects / 99.Pattern 4:S-LV-C / 100.Compounding the Elements Within the Patterns / 101.Conjunctions / 102.Simple sentences / 103.The compound sentence / 104.Recognizing compound sentences / 105.When to use a compound sentence / 106.MODIFIERS AND THE WORK THEY DO / 107.The Work of Adjetives / 108.Spotting adjectives in sentences / 109.The Work of Adverbs / 200.Spotting adverbs in sentences / 201.A special group of adverbs:the intensifiers / 202.Finding intensifiers in sentences / 203.Prepositions and the Groups They Work In / 204.Prepositional phrases / 205.Spotting prepositional phrases in sentences / 206.When Is an Adjective Not an Adjetive? / 207.IMPROVING SENTENCES / 208.Sentence Fragments / 209.Recognizing and correcting fragments / 210.Fragments that have an S-V unit / 211.Fragments that have an S-V unit / 212.Run-Togethers / 213.Recognizing run-togethers / 213.Warning signals / 214.Correcting run-togethers / 215.Out-Of-Place Modifiers / 216.Too Many "So" Sentences / 217.USING VERBS / 218.Regular and Irregular Verbs / 219.Regular verbs / 220.Irregular verbs / 221.Three Groups of Irregular Verbs / 222.Verbs like ring-rang-rung / 223.Verbs like blow-blew-blown / 224.Verbs like ride-rode-ridden / 225.Troublesome Verb Pairs / 226.Lay and Lie / 227.Set and Sit / 228.Leave and let / 229.Learn and Teach / 300.Borrow and lend / 301.Five More Troublemakers / 302.The verb form attackted / 303.The verb form busted / 304.The verb form drownded / 305.The verb form had ought / 306.The verb suspicion / 307.SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT / 308.It's the Subject That Counts / 309.Shifted Word Order / 400.Here and There sentences / 401.Question-asking sentences / 402.Singular Nouns That End in S / 403.Titles / 404.One or More Than One? / 405.Always singular / 406.Don't Say Ït Don't / 407.We were you were they where / 408.USING PRONOUNS / 408.Subject and objetc pronoums / 409.Double and object pronounms / 410.Double-barreled trouble-shooting / 411.Predicate complements / 412.Pronoun puzzlers / 413.We boys or us boys / 414.Unneeded pronuns / 415.Them,they,and those / 416.Pronoum order / 417.A special group of demons / 418.Possessive pronoums / 419.Confusing word pairs / 420.USING MODIFIERS / 421.Adjetive or Adverb? / 422.Good or well? / 423.The three forms of modifiers / 424.Irregular adjectives and adverbs / 425.Adjective form or adverb form? / 426.Double Negatives / 427.Three special problems / 428.This here and that there / 429.Them or those / 430.This kind or these kind / 431.Glossary of modifiers usage items / 432.CAPITAL, PLURALS AND POSSESSIVES / 433.Capital letters / 434.Three important uses / 435.Capital letters for beginnings / 436.A capital letter for the pronoun 1 / 438.Capital letters in titles / 439.Proper nouns / 400.To capitalize or not to capitalize? / 401.Capitalization check list / 402.Proper adjectives / 403.Capitalizatin demons / 404.School subjects / 405.Directions / 406.Seasons / 407.Family relationships / 408.Personal titles / 409.Plural forms of nouns / 410. Regular nouns / 411.Nouns that end in y / 412.Nouns that end in o / 413.Nouns that en in f and fe / 414.Nouns with changes in spelling / 415.Compound nouns / 416.Possessive forms / 417.Singular nouns / 418.Plural possessive forms / 419.IMPROVING YOUR SPELLING / 420.Using mental pictures / 421.Using spelling pronuntiations / 422.Words whith silent letters / 423.Words with tricky vowels / 424.Using memory tricks / 425.Mispronunciations cause misspellings / 426.IE or EL? / 427.When the sound is long e / 428.Dropping final e / 429.Before an ending begining with a vowel / 430.Before an ending beginning with a consonant / 431.Doubling the final consonant / 432.In words like hop and tap / 433.In words like begin and forget / 434.Words that end in Y/ 435.Words whith prefixes / 436.Words ending in ly / 437.Words similar in sound / 438.Sound alike words / 439.Words commonly confused / 440.Writing contractions / 441.PUNCTUATION / 442.END marks / 443.END matks / 444.END marks for meaning / 445.COMMAS / 446.Commas to set off nouns of addres / 447.Commas to set off appositives / 448.Commas to set off parenthetical words / 449.Commas to separate items in a series / 450.Commas in compound sentences / 451.Simple sentence / 452.Commas with addresses and dates / 453.Commas ofr clearness / 454.USIN QUOTATION MARKS / 455.Interrupted quotations / 456.Quoted questions and exclamacion / 457.Punctuating a conversation / 458.Punctuating titles
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Libros Libros EAM
GENERAL 428 B.761 V.7 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

Incluye indice analitico pag.416

1.Writing paragraphs / 2.The secret of the two ingredients / 3.The clincher sentece / 4.A closer look at the two ingredients / 5.Details giving specific examples / 6.Details giving specific steps / 7.Detail giving specific reasons /8.Using an incident as ingredient #2 / 9.Using What You ave Learned:In Homework and in tests / 10.Using What You Have Learned:In Telling Abaut Books / 11.EXPERIENCES WHIT WORDS / 12 .Increasing Youy Vocabulary / 13.Recognizing clues in context / 14.Direct explanation / 15.Getting clues from examples / 16.Getting clues from contrasts / 17.Getting clues from similar words / 18.Clues in combination / 19.Specific ang General Words / 20.Two Types of Adjetives / 21.Using Comparisons / 22.USING THE DICTIONARY / 23.Finding Words Quickly / 24.The Dictionary as a Spelling Check / 25.Compound words / 26.Dividing words / 27.The Dictionary Helps whit Pronunciation / 28.Accent marks / 29.The Dictionary Helps whith meaning / 30.SPEAKING EXPERIENCES / 31.Feeling at the home Before a Group / 32.Making an Announcement / 33.Telling How to Make or Do Something / 34.Sharing Knowledge whith Others / 35.Giving Directions / 36.Speaking Distinctly / 37.WRITING LETTERS / 38.Wrinting a Good letter / 39.What makes the letter good / 40.The appearance of the letter / 41.The parts of the friendly letter / 42.The heading / 43.The Salutation / 44.The closing / 45.The signature / 46.Addressing the envelope / 47.Special-Purpose Friendly Letters / 48.A thank-you letter / 49.Another Kind of thank-you letter / 50.A letter of invitation / 51.An answer to an invitation / 52.Writing Business Letters / 53.The parts of a business letter / 54.The heading / 55.The inside address / 56.The salutation / 57.The body / 58.The closing / 59.The signature / 60.The appearance of the letter / 61.Folding the letter / 62.Sending for free materials / 63.Ordering merchandise by mail / 64.Expressing appreciation / 65.PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE / 66.The Principles of Parliamentary Procedure / 67.The languaje of parliamentary procedure / 68.How to Take Part in Meetings / 69.Amendments / 70.Order of business / 71.Preparing an agenda / 72.Handling of motions / 73.Taking a vote / 74.Keeping order / 75.How to Be Secretaryof a Club / 76.Attendance records / 77.Minutes / 78.How to Electo Officers / 79.SUBJECTS AND PREDICATES / 80.Subjets and Predicate the Essencial Parts of a Sentence / 81.The Verb / 82.Verbs of more than one word / 83.The Simple Subject / 84.More About Subjects / 85.Subjects in inverted sentences / 86.Subjects in questions / 87.Subjetcs in command sentences / 88.Nouns / 89.Concrete nouns / 90.Abstract nouns / 91.Pronouns / 92.When Is a Verb Not a Verb? / 93.THE SENTENCE PATTERNS / 94. Pattern 1: S-V / 95.Pattern 2 :S-V-O / 96.Spotting the direct object / 97.Pattern 3: S-V-IO-O / 98.Recognizing indirect objects / 99.Pattern 4:S-LV-C / 100.Compounding the Elements Within the Patterns / 101.Conjunctions / 102.Simple sentences / 103.The compound sentence / 104.Recognizing compound sentences / 105.When to use a compound sentence / 106.MODIFIERS AND THE WORK THEY DO / 107.The Work of Adjetives / 108.Spotting adjectives in sentences / 109.The Work of Adverbs / 200.Spotting adverbs in sentences / 201.A special group of adverbs:the intensifiers / 202.Finding intensifiers in sentences / 203.Prepositions and the Groups They Work In / 204.Prepositional phrases / 205.Spotting prepositional phrases in sentences / 206.When Is an Adjective Not an Adjetive? / 207.IMPROVING SENTENCES / 208.Sentence Fragments / 209.Recognizing and correcting fragments / 210.Fragments that have an S-V unit / 211.Fragments that have an S-V unit / 212.Run-Togethers / 213.Recognizing run-togethers / 213.Warning signals / 214.Correcting run-togethers / 215.Out-Of-Place Modifiers / 216.Too Many "So" Sentences / 217.USING VERBS / 218.Regular and Irregular Verbs / 219.Regular verbs / 220.Irregular verbs / 221.Three Groups of Irregular Verbs / 222.Verbs like ring-rang-rung / 223.Verbs like blow-blew-blown / 224.Verbs like ride-rode-ridden / 225.Troublesome Verb Pairs / 226.Lay and Lie / 227.Set and Sit / 228.Leave and let / 229.Learn and Teach / 300.Borrow and lend / 301.Five More Troublemakers / 302.The verb form attackted / 303.The verb form busted / 304.The verb form drownded / 305.The verb form had ought / 306.The verb suspicion / 307.SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT / 308.It's the Subject That Counts / 309.Shifted Word Order / 400.Here and There sentences / 401.Question-asking sentences / 402.Singular Nouns That End in S / 403.Titles / 404.One or More Than One? / 405.Always singular / 406.Don't Say Ït Don't / 407.We were you were they where / 408.USING PRONOUNS / 408.Subject and objetc pronoums / 409.Double and object pronounms / 410.Double-barreled trouble-shooting / 411.Predicate complements / 412.Pronoun puzzlers / 413.We boys or us boys / 414.Unneeded pronuns / 415.Them,they,and those / 416.Pronoum order / 417.A special group of demons / 418.Possessive pronoums / 419.Confusing word pairs / 420.USING MODIFIERS / 421.Adjetive or Adverb? / 422.Good or well? / 423.The three forms of modifiers / 424.Irregular adjectives and adverbs / 425.Adjective form or adverb form? / 426.Double Negatives / 427.Three special problems / 428.This here and that there / 429.Them or those / 430.This kind or these kind / 431.Glossary of modifiers usage items / 432.CAPITAL, PLURALS AND POSSESSIVES / 433.Capital letters / 434.Three important uses / 435.Capital letters for beginnings / 436.A capital letter for the pronoun 1 / 438.Capital letters in titles / 439.Proper nouns / 400.To capitalize or not to capitalize? / 401.Capitalization check list / 402.Proper adjectives / 403.Capitalizatin demons / 404.School subjects / 405.Directions / 406.Seasons / 407.Family relationships / 408.Personal titles / 409.Plural forms of nouns / 410. Regular nouns / 411.Nouns that end in y / 412.Nouns that end in o / 413.Nouns that en in f and fe / 414.Nouns with changes in spelling / 415.Compound nouns / 416.Possessive forms / 417.Singular nouns / 418.Plural possessive forms / 419.IMPROVING YOUR SPELLING / 420.Using mental pictures / 421.Using spelling pronuntiations / 422.Words whith silent letters / 423.Words with tricky vowels / 424.Using memory tricks / 425.Mispronunciations cause misspellings / 426.IE or EL? / 427.When the sound is long e / 428.Dropping final e / 429.Before an ending begining with a vowel / 430.Before an ending beginning with a consonant / 431.Doubling the final consonant / 432.In words like hop and tap / 433.In words like begin and forget / 434.Words that end in Y/ 435.Words whith prefixes / 436.Words ending in ly / 437.Words similar in sound / 438.Sound alike words / 439.Words commonly confused / 440.Writing contractions / 441.PUNCTUATION / 442.END marks / 443.END matks / 444.END marks for meaning / 445.COMMAS / 446.Commas to set off nouns of addres / 447.Commas to set off appositives / 448.Commas to set off parenthetical words / 449.Commas to separate items in a series / 450.Commas in compound sentences / 451.Simple sentence / 452.Commas with addresses and dates / 453.Commas ofr clearness / 454.USIN QUOTATION MARKS / 455.Interrupted quotations / 456.Quoted questions and exclamacion / 457.Punctuating a conversation / 458.Punctuating titles

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