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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: Mexico ; Progreso ; 1951Edición: 12.Descripción: 152p.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 H.218 V.1 Resumen: 1.Key to pronunciation / 2.Expressions and short sentences for classroom use / 3.I see the girl i see the dog The alphabet / 4.I see a child i see a cat i can / 5.I see your dog Frank this that / 6.I have a book you have we have / 7.I have a ball i have a kitten / 8.The girl has a rabbit verb to have verb can affirmative - interrogative - and negative forms the present tense / 9.See mamma and baby these those verb to be / 10.See this little baby adjectives / 11.I play ball the numbers / 12.Little chikens and little kittens how many / 13.Do you go to school use of the auxiliary do / 14.This is a man father and daughter the numbers i am late / 15.This is a boy mother and son masculine and feminine / 16.The cat and the rat / 17.The classroom how much how many there is there are / 18.Our garden conjugation indicative present tense / 19.John has a pony what is your name / 20.Dialogue how do you do - good morning - good afternoon - good evening - good night - good bye the progressive form / 21.Can you talk - here is - here are / 22.Four little kittens - Singular and plural / 23.Maggy and Harry / 24.The sun - conjugation verb to see - three forms / 25.Sing little birds - ordinal numbers - cardinal numbers - sir madam miss / 26.My black hen - Personal pronouns in the objective case - possessive adjectives / 27.The little chicken - dont inquietude / 28.The owl - the past tense verb to be / 29.The possessive pronouns - the past tense of the verb to have / 30.Happy as the day is long / 31.Come in - what can we do - sentences with prepositions and adverbs / 32.The clock - the time - the days of the week - the months of the year / 33.The parts of our body / 34.Some animals - comparison of adjectives / 35.Some little mice - the future tense our meals - our clothing - the family and the relatives / 36.Poems and other selections / 37.Conjugation verbs to have , to be , to see , to be seen , to be writing four forms / 38.Alphabetical list of the most important irregular verbs / 39.Ejercicios de pronunciacion / 40.Pronunciacion figurada de las palabras de los vocabularios
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Libros Libros EAM
GENERAL 428 H.218 V.1 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

Incluye indice analitico pag.136

1.Key to pronunciation / 2.Expressions and short sentences for classroom use / 3.I see the girl i see the dog The alphabet / 4.I see a child i see a cat i can / 5.I see your dog Frank this that / 6.I have a book you have we have / 7.I have a ball i have a kitten / 8.The girl has a rabbit verb to have verb can affirmative - interrogative - and negative forms the present tense / 9.See mamma and baby these those verb to be / 10.See this little baby adjectives / 11.I play ball the numbers / 12.Little chikens and little kittens how many / 13.Do you go to school use of the auxiliary do / 14.This is a man father and daughter the numbers i am late / 15.This is a boy mother and son masculine and feminine / 16.The cat and the rat / 17.The classroom how much how many there is there are / 18.Our garden conjugation indicative present tense / 19.John has a pony what is your name / 20.Dialogue how do you do - good morning - good afternoon - good evening - good night - good bye the progressive form / 21.Can you talk - here is - here are / 22.Four little kittens - Singular and plural / 23.Maggy and Harry / 24.The sun - conjugation verb to see - three forms / 25.Sing little birds - ordinal numbers - cardinal numbers - sir madam miss / 26.My black hen - Personal pronouns in the objective case - possessive adjectives / 27.The little chicken - dont inquietude / 28.The owl - the past tense verb to be / 29.The possessive pronouns - the past tense of the verb to have / 30.Happy as the day is long / 31.Come in - what can we do - sentences with prepositions and adverbs / 32.The clock - the time - the days of the week - the months of the year / 33.The parts of our body / 34.Some animals - comparison of adjectives / 35.Some little mice - the future tense our meals - our clothing - the family and the relatives / 36.Poems and other selections / 37.Conjugation verbs to have , to be , to see , to be seen , to be writing four forms / 38.Alphabetical list of the most important irregular verbs / 39.Ejercicios de pronunciacion / 40.Pronunciacion figurada de las palabras de los vocabularios

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