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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: Colombia ; Rei Andes Ltda. ; 1993Edición: 2.Descripción: 143p.ISBN: 958-633-300-0.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 E.18 V.8 Resumen: 1.The weather / 2.The seasons of the year / 3.The months / 4.Possessive pronouns / 5.Review of the possessive adjetives / 6.Pronunciation / 7.Recommentations / 8.Future plans and invitations / 9.Review of future intention / 10.Personal pronuns / 11.Pronunciantion of the sounds / 12.A letter / 13.A postcard / 14.Review of the personal and possessive pronuns / 15.The past tense of can / 16.Pronunciation / 17.The human boby / 18.Feeling sick / 19.Looking at photos / 20.Pronunciation of the diphtong / 21.Words with the sounds / 22.At the doctor's office / 23.Review of past units / 24.Main points to remember / 25.Ability / 26.Lack of ability / 27.Preparing for the future / 28.Nouns with er suffix / 29.Pronuntiation of the diphtongs / 30.Comparisons / 31.Comparative adjetives / 32.Types of adjectives / 33.Pronunciation of the suffixes / 34.Celebrations / 35.Tastes and preferences / 36.A newspaper article / 37.Count and non - count nouns / 38.There is there are / 39.Pronuciation of silent letters pronunciation of the diphtong / 40.Requests / 41.Habits / 42.Comparisons and comments / 43.Adverbs of place frequency and manner / 44.Pronuntiation of the diphthongs / 45.Lifestyles / 46.Review of past units / 47.Main points to remember / 48.Talking about the past / 49.A history lesson / 50.Pronuntiation / 51.Narration in past tense / 52.Questions about the past / 53.Short answer about the past tense / 54.Imagining past events / 55.pronuntiation of the sound / 56.What was there / 57.Denying events in the past / 58.Questioning / 59.Pronunciation / 60.Investigating / 61.A discovery / 62.Commands / 63.Pronunciation / 64.Reviewing time / 65.Review of past units / 66.Main points to remember / 67.Readings and activities / 68.Expressions taken from the readings
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GENERAL 428 E.18 V.8 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

Incluye glosario pag.137

1.The weather / 2.The seasons of the year / 3.The months / 4.Possessive pronouns / 5.Review of the possessive adjetives / 6.Pronunciation / 7.Recommentations / 8.Future plans and invitations / 9.Review of future intention / 10.Personal pronuns / 11.Pronunciantion of the sounds / 12.A letter / 13.A postcard / 14.Review of the personal and possessive pronuns / 15.The past tense of can / 16.Pronunciation / 17.The human boby / 18.Feeling sick / 19.Looking at photos / 20.Pronunciation of the diphtong / 21.Words with the sounds / 22.At the doctor's office / 23.Review of past units / 24.Main points to remember / 25.Ability / 26.Lack of ability / 27.Preparing for the future / 28.Nouns with er suffix / 29.Pronuntiation of the diphtongs / 30.Comparisons / 31.Comparative adjetives / 32.Types of adjectives / 33.Pronunciation of the suffixes / 34.Celebrations / 35.Tastes and preferences / 36.A newspaper article / 37.Count and non - count nouns / 38.There is there are / 39.Pronuciation of silent letters pronunciation of the diphtong / 40.Requests / 41.Habits / 42.Comparisons and comments / 43.Adverbs of place frequency and manner / 44.Pronuntiation of the diphthongs / 45.Lifestyles / 46.Review of past units / 47.Main points to remember / 48.Talking about the past / 49.A history lesson / 50.Pronuntiation / 51.Narration in past tense / 52.Questions about the past / 53.Short answer about the past tense / 54.Imagining past events / 55.pronuntiation of the sound / 56.What was there / 57.Denying events in the past / 58.Questioning / 59.Pronunciation / 60.Investigating / 61.A discovery / 62.Commands / 63.Pronunciation / 64.Reviewing time / 65.Review of past units / 66.Main points to remember / 67.Readings and activities / 68.Expressions taken from the readings

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