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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: USA ; Regents Publishing Company, Inc. ; 1979Descripción: 195p.ISBN: 0-88345-331-2.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 L.156 V.4
Resumen: 1.Comparing two sates / 2. A little and a few / 3.A lot of , much , and many / 4.As much as , as many , as / 5.More , that , less , that , and fewer , that with nouns / 6.The most , the last , and the fewest with nouns / 7.As much as , more that , less that , the most , and the least with verbs / 8.Climate / 9.Sound sum/ 10.Being late for work / 11.Adverbs of frequency with the verb be / 12.Position of adverbs of frequency with the present and past tenses / 13.Position of adverbs of frequency with modal auxiliaries / 14.Question with ever and answers with adverbs of frequency / 15.How often and expression of frequency / 16.How early , how late , how far , how near / 17.How question with numerical answers / 18.Irregular past with the sound / 19.Amelia earhart / 20.Contrast sun and sung / 21.Asking about people and places / 22.Preposition used to indicative place / 23.Preposition used to indicative time / 24.Order of expression indicating place and time / 25.How adverb question with answer / 26.Irregular past with the sound / 27.Cosmopolitan cities / 28.Contrast sun sum and sung / 29.Talking about programs on television / 30.The present perfect tense / 31.Common irregular past participles / 32.Yes - no question and short answer with the present perfect / 33.Information quetion with the present perfect / 34.Present perfect question with ever and answers / 35.Alexander graham bell / 36.Sound good / 37.Trying to buy a very popular record / 38.Other as a noun modifier / 39.Other as a noun substitute / 40.Past participle of common irregular verbs / 41.Since and for with the present perfect / 42.Vending machines / 43.Sound wood / 44.Problems with car repairs / 45.Already and yet with the present perfect / 46.Irregular past participles ending in - en - still - anymore / 47.Irregular past participles with the sound / 48.Children and television / 49.Contrast good and wood / 50.Discussing a popular new siner / 51.Subordinated sentenses that modify nouns - 1 - / 52.Subordinates sentenses that modify nouns - 2 - / 53.Subordinates sentenses in the objet position / 54.Verbs with the same simple form , past , and past participle / 55.Babe ruth / 56.Sound hood / 57.Confusion at the concert hall entrance / 58.Information question with whose / 59.Subordinated sentenses with whose / 60.Subordinated sentenses modifying expression of time and place / 61.Past partiples ending in own and en / 62.Dolphins / 63.Contrast pool and pull / 64.Asking for directions / 65.Subordinated information question / 66.Subordinated yes - no qyuestion / 67.Question words to - infinitive / 68.Who to books / 69.contrast mouth and moth / 70.Asking how to address an envelope / 71.How question with answer / 72.Short answer to how question using by - ing form of the verb / 73.Personal letters / 74.Aspiration of p , t and k / 75.Key to pronunciation symbols / 76.Vocabulary list / 77.Irregular verbs / 78.Index
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Libros Libros EAM
GENERAL 428 L.156 V.4 Ej.1 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible
Libros Libros EAM
GENERAL 428 L.156 V.4 Ej.2 (Navegar estantería) 2 Disponible


1.Comparing two sates / 2. A little and a few / 3.A lot of , much , and many / 4.As much as , as many , as / 5.More , that , less , that , and fewer , that with nouns / 6.The most , the last , and the fewest with nouns / 7.As much as , more that , less that , the most , and the least with verbs / 8.Climate / 9.Sound sum/ 10.Being late for work / 11.Adverbs of frequency with the verb be / 12.Position of adverbs of frequency with the present and past tenses / 13.Position of adverbs of frequency with modal auxiliaries / 14.Question with ever and answers with adverbs of frequency / 15.How often and expression of frequency / 16.How early , how late , how far , how near / 17.How question with numerical answers / 18.Irregular past with the sound / 19.Amelia earhart / 20.Contrast sun and sung / 21.Asking about people and places / 22.Preposition used to indicative place / 23.Preposition used to indicative time / 24.Order of expression indicating place and time / 25.How adverb question with answer / 26.Irregular past with the sound / 27.Cosmopolitan cities / 28.Contrast sun sum and sung / 29.Talking about programs on television / 30.The present perfect tense / 31.Common irregular past participles / 32.Yes - no question and short answer with the present perfect / 33.Information quetion with the present perfect / 34.Present perfect question with ever and answers / 35.Alexander graham bell / 36.Sound good / 37.Trying to buy a very popular record / 38.Other as a noun modifier / 39.Other as a noun substitute / 40.Past participle of common irregular verbs / 41.Since and for with the present perfect / 42.Vending machines / 43.Sound wood / 44.Problems with car repairs / 45.Already and yet with the present perfect / 46.Irregular past participles ending in - en - still - anymore / 47.Irregular past participles with the sound / 48.Children and television / 49.Contrast good and wood / 50.Discussing a popular new siner / 51.Subordinated sentenses that modify nouns - 1 - / 52.Subordinates sentenses that modify nouns - 2 - / 53.Subordinates sentenses in the objet position / 54.Verbs with the same simple form , past , and past participle / 55.Babe ruth / 56.Sound hood / 57.Confusion at the concert hall entrance / 58.Information question with whose / 59.Subordinated sentenses with whose / 60.Subordinated sentenses modifying expression of time and place / 61.Past partiples ending in own and en / 62.Dolphins / 63.Contrast pool and pull / 64.Asking for directions / 65.Subordinated information question / 66.Subordinated yes - no qyuestion / 67.Question words to - infinitive / 68.Who to books / 69.contrast mouth and moth / 70.Asking how to address an envelope / 71.How question with answer / 72.Short answer to how question using by - ing form of the verb / 73.Personal letters / 74.Aspiration of p , t and k / 75.Key to pronunciation symbols / 76.Vocabulary list / 77.Irregular verbs / 78.Index

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