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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: USA ; Regents Publishing Company, Inc. Descripción: 297p.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 L.156 V.3 1970
A complete course in english as a second language
Resumen: 1.I discovered a new profession today / 2.A sentence as a modifier of a noun / 3.There is there are there was there were / 4.The twenty century is a century of change / 5.Sound of m some / 6.Six five two eight one four / 7.Perfect tenses have mas past participle / 8.Questions / 9.Negatives / 10.Short answers / 11.Alexander graham bell / 12.Sound of sun / 13.Hello john why are you so happy / 14.Passive constructions / 15.Passive without agent / 16.Irregular past participles / 17.Vacations for everybody / 18.Sound of sung / 18.I cant find my suitcase / 19.Comparision with like the same as different from / 20.Comparison with the same as as as / 21.Do you like to go to new places? / 22.Contrast some sun sung / 23.Have you noticed the similarity of the big cities to one another? / 24.Comparison or adjectives with more than er than / 25.Comparison of adverbs with more than er than / 26.Comparison with more mas noun mas than / 27.Comparison with less than fewer than / 28. big cities / 29.Sound or paul / 30.Where can you find the coldest weather in the world? / 31.Superlatives with the most most / 32.Superlatives in est / 33.Irregular comparatives and superlatives / 34.When people discuss the weather / 35.Sound of pole / 36.John whose picture is this? / 37.A sentence as the modifier of a noun with that which / 38.Information questions with whose / 39.Possessive more sentence as the modifier of a noun / 40.Babe ruth / 41.Contrast paul and pole / 42.I dont like to see women wearing short dresses or mens clothes / 43.Questions with why / 44.Answers with because / 45.Use of maybe and perhaps / 46.Use of to more verb / 47.Use of because of more noun / 48.Styles in clothing / 49.Sound of good / 50.Can you do arithmetic problems in english? / 51.Use of some and any / 51.Irregular past participles / 52.Arithmetic is a universal science / 53.Sound or wood / 54.Philip what sports do you like? / 55.Use of and too / 56.Auxiliary do can have be more too / 57.Use of and either / 58.Auxiliary or be more either / 59.Use of but / 60.Whether as a player / 61.Cotrast gun and one / 62.Good morning May i help you / 63.A sentence as modifier of a noun with where and when / 64.Other others another the other / 65.One of the important new ideas in bussiness / 66.Sound of pull / 67.Pardon me Can you tell me where the school is ? / 68.Subordinate sentence as object / 69.Subordinate question as object of a question / 70.Subordinate question in polite expressions with could would should / 71.Sequence of tenses with could would should / 72.Irregular past participles in en / 73.You really need a map / 74.Sound of pool / 75.How could i play tennis tomorrow? / 76.Questions with how more auxiliary / 77.Answers to questions with how more auxiliary / 78.Entertainment is important in modern life / 79.Contrast pull and pool / 80.I dont know what to do / 81.Where when what more to more verb / 82.Stressed and unstressed there more be more noun / 83.Like modern clothes modern popular music / 84.Sound of stressed net / 85.Sound of unstressed a cup / 86.This picture is very beautiful / 87.Adverbs in ly / 88.Very too and enough with adjectives and adverbs / 89.Enough with nouns / 90.Everyone has heard that picasso is a great painter / 91.Contrast ship and sip / 92.I think i have to buy a good watch / 93.It in subject position for a delayed subject / 94.Ing and to forms as subject / 95.To more verb as delayed subject / 96.It is often said that / 97.Sound of final consonants
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GENERAL 428 L.156 V.3 1970 ej.1 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible
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GENERAL 428 L.156 V.3 1970 ej.2 (Navegar estantería) 2 Disponible
Libros Libros EAM
GENERAL 428 L.156 V.3 1970 ej.3 (Navegar estantería) 3 Disponible

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A complete course in english as a second language

1.I discovered a new profession today / 2.A sentence as a modifier of a noun / 3.There is there are there was there were / 4.The twenty century is a century of change / 5.Sound of m some / 6.Six five two eight one four / 7.Perfect tenses have mas past participle / 8.Questions / 9.Negatives / 10.Short answers / 11.Alexander graham bell / 12.Sound of sun / 13.Hello john why are you so happy / 14.Passive constructions / 15.Passive without agent / 16.Irregular past participles / 17.Vacations for everybody / 18.Sound of sung / 18.I cant find my suitcase / 19.Comparision with like the same as different from / 20.Comparison with the same as as as / 21.Do you like to go to new places? / 22.Contrast some sun sung / 23.Have you noticed the similarity of the big cities to one another? / 24.Comparison or adjectives with more than er than / 25.Comparison of adverbs with more than er than / 26.Comparison with more mas noun mas than / 27.Comparison with less than fewer than / 28. big cities / 29.Sound or paul / 30.Where can you find the coldest weather in the world? / 31.Superlatives with the most most / 32.Superlatives in est / 33.Irregular comparatives and superlatives / 34.When people discuss the weather / 35.Sound of pole / 36.John whose picture is this? / 37.A sentence as the modifier of a noun with that which / 38.Information questions with whose / 39.Possessive more sentence as the modifier of a noun / 40.Babe ruth / 41.Contrast paul and pole / 42.I dont like to see women wearing short dresses or mens clothes / 43.Questions with why / 44.Answers with because / 45.Use of maybe and perhaps / 46.Use of to more verb / 47.Use of because of more noun / 48.Styles in clothing / 49.Sound of good / 50.Can you do arithmetic problems in english? / 51.Use of some and any / 51.Irregular past participles / 52.Arithmetic is a universal science / 53.Sound or wood / 54.Philip what sports do you like? / 55.Use of and too / 56.Auxiliary do can have be more too / 57.Use of and either / 58.Auxiliary or be more either / 59.Use of but / 60.Whether as a player / 61.Cotrast gun and one / 62.Good morning May i help you / 63.A sentence as modifier of a noun with where and when / 64.Other others another the other / 65.One of the important new ideas in bussiness / 66.Sound of pull / 67.Pardon me Can you tell me where the school is ? / 68.Subordinate sentence as object / 69.Subordinate question as object of a question / 70.Subordinate question in polite expressions with could would should / 71.Sequence of tenses with could would should / 72.Irregular past participles in en / 73.You really need a map / 74.Sound of pool / 75.How could i play tennis tomorrow? / 76.Questions with how more auxiliary / 77.Answers to questions with how more auxiliary / 78.Entertainment is important in modern life / 79.Contrast pull and pool / 80.I dont know what to do / 81.Where when what more to more verb / 82.Stressed and unstressed there more be more noun / 83.Like modern clothes modern popular music / 84.Sound of stressed net / 85.Sound of unstressed a cup / 86.This picture is very beautiful / 87.Adverbs in ly / 88.Very too and enough with adjectives and adverbs / 89.Enough with nouns / 90.Everyone has heard that picasso is a great painter / 91.Contrast ship and sip / 92.I think i have to buy a good watch / 93.It in subject position for a delayed subject / 94.Ing and to forms as subject / 95.To more verb as delayed subject / 96.It is often said that / 97.Sound of final consonants

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