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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: USA ; Regents Publishing Company, Inc. ; 1978Descripción: 196p.ISBN: 0-88345-330-4.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 L.156 V.3 Disertación o tesis: Incluye indice analitico pag.195 Resumen: 1.Identifying a person / 2.Prepositions - of place / 3.More prepositions and prepositional phrases / 4.Position of prepositional phrases / 5.One and ones as noun substitutes / 6.With in questions / 7.A trip to seattle / 8.Contrast either and ether / 9.Getting exercise / 10.Statements with verb more to infinitive / 11.Other sentences with verb more to infinitive / 12.Traveling by train / 13.Plannig summer trip / 14.How many and how much with count and mass nouns / 15.Units of measure with mass nouns / 16.There more be to indicate existence / 17.Planning to buy groceries / 18.Sound right / 19.Helping someone / 20.The modal auxiliary can / 21.The meanings of the modal auxiliaries will may might / 22.Statements in the affirmative and negative and yes no questions with the modal auxiliaries will may migth / 23.The modal auxiliary shall / 24.Scrabble / 25.Contrast light and rigth / 26.Planning for a visit / 27.The modal auxiliaries should and must / 28.Information questions with modal auxiliaries / 29.Information questions about the subject / 30.Questions with why and answers with because / 31.Fire / 32.Sound phone / 33.On the telephone / 34.The expression would like to / 35.Past meaning of the modal auxiliary could / 36.Polite request meaning of the modal auxiliary could / 37.Had to / 38.Mustn't and don't have to / 39.Irregular past with the sound /40.One way to stay healthy / 41.Sound foot / 42.At home after a trip / 43.Possesive pronouns / 44.Ordinal numbers / 45.Use of any some / 46.Irregular past with the sound / 47.Food / 48.Sound Paul / 49.Asking for information / 50.Indefinite pronouns combining some , any , every , and no , with-body and one / 51.Indefinite pronouns combining some , any , every , and no with thing and where / 52.Irregular past with the sound / 53.Leisure time activities / 54.Sound pain / 55.Buying something for another person / 56.Comparison with like the same as different from / 57.Comparison with the same as as as / 58.Idiomatic expressions with as as like / 59.Comparatives of adjetives with more than / 60.Comparatives of adjetives with er than / 61.Spelling and forms of adverbs / 62.Comparison of adverbs with more than er than than / 63.Tourism / 64.Sound pan / 65.Finding the best and the least expensive / 66.Superlatives with the most with adjetives and adverbs / 67.Superlatives with the est / 68.Irregular comparatives and superlatives / 69.Comparison with less and the least / 70.Birthday celebration / 71.Sound socks
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GENERAL 428 L.156 V.3 ej.1 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible
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GENERAL 428 L.156 V.3 Ej.2 (Navegar estantería) 2 Disponible
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428 L.156 V.3 1970 ej.2 LADO ENGLISH SERIES 428 L.156 V.3 1970 ej.3 LADO ENGLISH SERIES 428 L.156 V.3 ej.1 LADO ENGLISH SERIES 428 L.156 V.3 Ej.2 LADO ENGLISH SERIES 428 L.156 V.4 Ej.1 LADO ENGLISH SERIES 428 L.156 V.4 Ej.2 LADO ENGLISH SERIES 428 M.995 ej.1 FOCUS ON GRAMMAR

Incluye indice analitico pag.195

1.Identifying a person / 2.Prepositions - of place / 3.More prepositions and prepositional phrases / 4.Position of prepositional phrases / 5.One and ones as noun substitutes / 6.With in questions / 7.A trip to seattle / 8.Contrast either and ether / 9.Getting exercise / 10.Statements with verb more to infinitive / 11.Other sentences with verb more to infinitive / 12.Traveling by train / 13.Plannig summer trip / 14.How many and how much with count and mass nouns / 15.Units of measure with mass nouns / 16.There more be to indicate existence / 17.Planning to buy groceries / 18.Sound right / 19.Helping someone / 20.The modal auxiliary can / 21.The meanings of the modal auxiliaries will may might / 22.Statements in the affirmative and negative and yes no questions with the modal auxiliaries will may migth / 23.The modal auxiliary shall / 24.Scrabble / 25.Contrast light and rigth / 26.Planning for a visit / 27.The modal auxiliaries should and must / 28.Information questions with modal auxiliaries / 29.Information questions about the subject / 30.Questions with why and answers with because / 31.Fire / 32.Sound phone / 33.On the telephone / 34.The expression would like to / 35.Past meaning of the modal auxiliary could / 36.Polite request meaning of the modal auxiliary could / 37.Had to / 38.Mustn't and don't have to / 39.Irregular past with the sound /40.One way to stay healthy / 41.Sound foot / 42.At home after a trip / 43.Possesive pronouns / 44.Ordinal numbers / 45.Use of any some / 46.Irregular past with the sound / 47.Food / 48.Sound Paul / 49.Asking for information / 50.Indefinite pronouns combining some , any , every , and no , with-body and one / 51.Indefinite pronouns combining some , any , every , and no with thing and where / 52.Irregular past with the sound / 53.Leisure time activities / 54.Sound pain / 55.Buying something for another person / 56.Comparison with like the same as different from / 57.Comparison with the same as as as / 58.Idiomatic expressions with as as like / 59.Comparatives of adjetives with more than / 60.Comparatives of adjetives with er than / 61.Spelling and forms of adverbs / 62.Comparison of adverbs with more than er than than / 63.Tourism / 64.Sound pan / 65.Finding the best and the least expensive / 66.Superlatives with the most with adjetives and adverbs / 67.Superlatives with the est / 68.Irregular comparatives and superlatives / 69.Comparison with less and the least / 70.Birthday celebration / 71.Sound socks

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