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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: Gran Bretaña ; The Architectural Press London ; 1960Descripción: 228p.Materia(s): ARQUITECURADDC classification: 729 R.149 Resumen: 1.List of illustrations / 2.Programme organisation plan / 3.The structure / 4.Materials for the exterior / 5.Expression / 6.External details / 7.Interior decoration / 8.The house / 9.The modern movemente and architectural education
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Libros Libros EAM
GENERAL 729 R.149 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

Incluye indice analitica pag.225

1.List of illustrations / 2.Programme organisation plan / 3.The structure / 4.Materials for the exterior / 5.Expression / 6.External details / 7.Interior decoration / 8.The house / 9.The modern movemente and architectural education

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