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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: USA ; Macmilla Publishing co. Inc ; 1974Descripción: 279p.ISBN: 0-02-506280-8.Materia(s): DISEÑO DECORATIVODDC classification: 729 B.212 Resumen: 1.Entrance Gallery and staircase / 2.Family and living areas / 3.Fireplaces / 4.Children's world / 5.Master bedrooms / 6.Emergency sleeping for guests / 7.Best Bathrooms / 8.Kitchen living / 9.Laundry and storage ideas / 10.Sewing centers and hobby workshops /11.Family linving and entertainment / 12.Bars / 13.Outdoor living / 14.What to know when building
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GENERAL 729 B.212 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

1.Entrance Gallery and staircase / 2.Family and living areas / 3.Fireplaces / 4.Children's world / 5.Master bedrooms / 6.Emergency sleeping for guests / 7.Best Bathrooms / 8.Kitchen living / 9.Laundry and storage ideas / 10.Sewing centers and hobby workshops /11.Family linving and entertainment / 12.Bars / 13.Outdoor living / 14.What to know when building

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