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por PARE, E. G.
Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: New York ; The Macmillan Company ; 1969Edición: 3a. ed.Descripción: 384p.ISBN: 65-15574.Materia(s): 1.MATEMATICS \ 2.GEOMETRY \ 3.DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRYDDC classification: 516.6 P.227
1.Chapter 1: Orthographic projection / 2.Chapter 2: Primary auxiliary views / 3.Chapter 3: Lines / 4.Chapter 4: Planes / 5.Chapter 5: Successive auxiliary views / 6.Chapter 6: Piercing Points / 7.Chapter 7: Intersection of planes / 8.Chapter 8: Angle Betw
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Libros Libros EAM
GENERAL 516.6 P.227 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

Incluye ademas: 1.Index, 2.Notation, 3.Symbols for students and instructor, 4.Table of natural tangents

1.Chapter 1: Orthographic projection / 2.Chapter 2: Primary auxiliary views / 3.Chapter 3: Lines / 4.Chapter 4: Planes / 5.Chapter 5: Successive auxiliary views / 6.Chapter 6: Piercing Points / 7.Chapter 7: Intersection of planes / 8.Chapter 8: Angle Betw

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