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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: England ; Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; 2000Edición: 2a ed.Descripción: 622p.ISBN: 0-262-02482-9.Materia(s): 1. COST OF CAPITAL \ 2. PORTFOLIO MODELS \ 3. IMMUNIZAZTION STRATEGIES
1. Corporate finance models / Basic financial calculations / 2. Calculating the cost of capital / 3. Financial Statement modeling / 4. Using financial statement models for valuation / 5. The financial analysis of leasing / 6. The financial analysis of lev
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ADMINISTRACION DE EMPRESAS 658.15 B.469 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible
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ADMINISTRACION DE EMPRESAS 658.15 B.469 (Navegar estantería) 2 Disponible
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ADMINISTRACION DE EMPRESAS 658.15 B.469 (Navegar estantería) 3 Disponible
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ADMINISTRACION DE EMPRESAS 658.15 B.469 (Navegar estantería) 4 Disponible
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ADMINISTRACION DE EMPRESAS 658.15 B.469 (Navegar estantería) 5 Disponible
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ADMINISTRACION DE EMPRESAS 658.15 B.469 (Navegar estantería) 6 Disponible

Present index pag. 611

Present references pag.603

1. Corporate finance models / Basic financial calculations / 2. Calculating the cost of capital / 3. Financial Statement modeling / 4. Using financial statement models for valuation / 5. The financial analysis of leasing / 6. The financial analysis of lev

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