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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: Colombia ; Educar Editores ; 1988Descripción: 132p.ISBN: 958-05-0297-8.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 P.218i V.4
When paving the way for the future
Resumen: 1.Seeking advice / 2.Just already yet used with the present perfect / 3.Modal auxiliaries may can should and would / 4.Differentiating verbs from nouns through stress / 5.Taking a professional orientation test / 6.Singular nouns ending in s / 7.Modal auxiliaries might could and must / 8.Stressed pronunciantion of auxiliaries / 9.Discussing vocational studies / 10.Use of already still any longer any more / 11.Stressed words in sentences / 12.Getting information on undergraduate studies / 13.Tag questions : grammar and intonation / 14.Considering what to study / 15.Direct and indirect speech / 16.Stress on nouns / 17.Appliying to a university / 18.Countries nationalities and languages / 19.Active and passive voice / 20.Taking a language test / 21.Use of certain suffixes / 22.Getting job infomation / and ones as substitutes of nouns / 24.Omissions of be and agent in the passive voice / 25.Appliying for a job / 26.Expressing politeness with would / 27.Giving reasons / 28.Being interviewed / 29.Subordinate clauses with that / 30.Subordinate clauses as noun modifiers / 31.Subordinate clauses with who whom an which / 32.Intonation in complex sentences / 33.Getting in touch with clients / 34.Some useful expressions for phone conversations / 35.Main verb more object more infinitive / 36.Developing writing skills / 37.Reflexive pronouns / 38.Punctuation marks / 39.Working as a tourist guide / 40.Use of another other the other th others / 41.Gaining experience as a physician / 42.Referring to periods of time with for and ago / 43.Past perfect tense / 44.Making a living by entertaining / 45.Indefinite pronouns / 46.Use of too very and also
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GENERAL 428 P.218i V.4 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

When paving the way for the future

1.Seeking advice / 2.Just already yet used with the present perfect / 3.Modal auxiliaries may can should and would / 4.Differentiating verbs from nouns through stress / 5.Taking a professional orientation test / 6.Singular nouns ending in s / 7.Modal auxiliaries might could and must / 8.Stressed pronunciantion of auxiliaries / 9.Discussing vocational studies / 10.Use of already still any longer any more / 11.Stressed words in sentences / 12.Getting information on undergraduate studies / 13.Tag questions : grammar and intonation / 14.Considering what to study / 15.Direct and indirect speech / 16.Stress on nouns / 17.Appliying to a university / 18.Countries nationalities and languages / 19.Active and passive voice / 20.Taking a language test / 21.Use of certain suffixes / 22.Getting job infomation / and ones as substitutes of nouns / 24.Omissions of be and agent in the passive voice / 25.Appliying for a job / 26.Expressing politeness with would / 27.Giving reasons / 28.Being interviewed / 29.Subordinate clauses with that / 30.Subordinate clauses as noun modifiers / 31.Subordinate clauses with who whom an which / 32.Intonation in complex sentences / 33.Getting in touch with clients / 34.Some useful expressions for phone conversations / 35.Main verb more object more infinitive / 36.Developing writing skills / 37.Reflexive pronouns / 38.Punctuation marks / 39.Working as a tourist guide / 40.Use of another other the other th others / 41.Gaining experience as a physician / 42.Referring to periods of time with for and ago / 43.Past perfect tense / 44.Making a living by entertaining / 45.Indefinite pronouns / 46.Use of too very and also

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