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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: USA ; Regents Publishing Company, Inc. ; 1965Descripción: 143p.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 F.515 Resumen: 1.Teaching a second language / 2.The nature of language and language learning / 3.Some features of the english language / 4.Its sound system / 5.Some notes on structure / 6.Its vocabulary / 7.Other important considerations in teaching / 8.The students / 9.The school and community / 10.The contribution of other sciences / 11.The curriculum / 12.Some basic premises in curriculum development / 13.Livel 1 / 14.Livel 2 / 15.Livel 3 / 16.Additional comments on curriculum design / 17.Developing the language skills / 18.Approaches / 19.Stages of language growth / 20.The listening speaking skills / 21.The sound system / 22.The structures / 23.The vocabulary / 24.Reading / 25.Writing / 26.Materials and techniques of instruction / 27.Some materials of instruction / 28.Some teaching techniques / 29.Testing and evaluation / 30.What if some does and donts / 31.Definitions of useful terms / 32.Bibliagraphy / 33.Some additional resources / 34.Index
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Tipo de ítem Ubicación actual Colección Signatura topográfica Número de copia Estado Fecha de vencimiento
Libros Libros EAM
GENERAL 428 F.515 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

Incluye indice analitico pag.142

Incluye bibliografia pag.136

1.Teaching a second language / 2.The nature of language and language learning / 3.Some features of the english language / 4.Its sound system / 5.Some notes on structure / 6.Its vocabulary / 7.Other important considerations in teaching / 8.The students / 9.The school and community / 10.The contribution of other sciences / 11.The curriculum / 12.Some basic premises in curriculum development / 13.Livel 1 / 14.Livel 2 / 15.Livel 3 / 16.Additional comments on curriculum design / 17.Developing the language skills / 18.Approaches / 19.Stages of language growth / 20.The listening speaking skills / 21.The sound system / 22.The structures / 23.The vocabulary / 24.Reading / 25.Writing / 26.Materials and techniques of instruction / 27.Some materials of instruction / 28.Some teaching techniques / 29.Testing and evaluation / 30.What if some does and donts / 31.Definitions of useful terms / 32.Bibliagraphy / 33.Some additional resources / 34.Index

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