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Tipo de material: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: USA ; Ginn and Company ; 1979Descripción: 351p.ISBN: 0-663-035385-8.Materia(s): INGLESDDC classification: 428 J.31 V.4 Resumen: 1.Communicating / 2.Communicating with words / 3.Looking at kinds of words / 4.Using sing language / 5.Writing to communicate / 6.Communicating with your body / 7.Looking at sentences parts / 8.Writing clear sentences / 9.Writing and punctuation / Editing what you write / 10.Using a dictionary / 11.Meanings in the dictionary / 12.Telling stories / 13.Using colorful words / 14.Writing stories / 15.Acting out stories / 16.Informing / 17.Making oral announcements / 18.Writing Announcements / 19.Using proper nouns to inform / 20.Filling out forms / 21.Using Abbreviations / 22.Looking at directions / 23.Showing and telling / 24.Writing Directions / 25.Using map directions / 26.Making contractions / 27.Informing in letters / 28.Understanding letter parts/ punctuating letter parts / 29.Using colorful words / 30.Writing a letter/addressing an envelope / 31.Showing past time with verbs / 32.Reflecting / 33.Using adjectives / 34.Reflecting sound and smell / 35.Reflecting touch and taste / 36.Describing with all the senses / 37.Using suffixes to make adjectives / 38.Seeing details in space / Using this , that , these , those / 39.Pantomiming details / 40.Describing with space order / 41.Using be and have / 42.Using have as a helping verb / 43.Reflecting with poems / 44.Using repetition and rhyme / 45.Writing a poem / 46.Words that reflect feeling / 47.Reporting / 48.Reading a report / 49.Asking questions to get started / 50.Finding information in an Encyclopedia / 51.Taking notes/writing titles / 52.Looking up topics / 53.Looking at paragraphs / 54.Organizing notes / 55.Writing topic sentences / 56.Writing report paragraphs / 57.Using pronouns / 58.Finding information in books / 59.Planning your own report / 60.Finding facts for your report / 61.Writing your report / 62.Editing your report/avoiding tense changes / 63.Inventing / 64.Fact or fiction / 65.Looking at stories / 66.Looking at settings / 67.Using clear words/using all ready , already , all right / 68.Describing a setting / 69.Looking at characters / 70.Knowing characters / 71.Inventing a character / 72.Using irregular verbs : blow , grow , know , throw / 73.When characters speak / 74.Looking at dialogue / 75.Varying verbs in speaker tags / 76.Writing dialogue / 77.Writing a story/editing and sharing the story / 78.Persuading / 79.Arguing / 80.Writing reasons / 81.Comparing with irregular adjectives / 82.Editing for sense and purpose / 83.Writing a persuasive memo / 84.Using I and Me / 85.Using irregular verbs : speak , think , choose , feel / 86.Understanding fact and opinion / 87.Being persuasive / 88.Using words that organize / 89.Compressing information / 90.Writing summaries / 91.Persuading others / 92.Making a commercial / 93.Using possessive pronouns and nouns / 94.Thinking straight / 95.Imagining / 96.Making words with mis and pre / 97.Playing with words / 98.Choral reading / 99.Learning about limericks / 100.Using synonyms and antonyms / 101.Using clear pronouns / self pronouns / 102.Seeing yourself / 103.Feeling things differently / 104.Acting a part / 105.Making good inferences / drawing conclusions / 106.Looking at old sayings / 107.Seeing things differently / using would have correctly / 108.Creating your own world / using any and no / 109.Analyzing / 110.Looking at riddles / 111.Using words with different meanings / 112.Using sound - alikes / using weather and whether correctly / 113.Writing jokes / 114.Puzzling pictures / 115.Questions without answers / 116.Analyzing questions / questions that do not look like questions / 117.Writing complete answers / 118.Using irregular verbs : give , write , take / 119.Solving problems / 120.Discussing in groups / 121.Working on a group problem / 122.Choosing a solution / 123.Presenting group results
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GENERAL 428 J.31 V.4 (Navegar estantería) 1 Disponible

Incluye indice analitico pag.344

1.Communicating / 2.Communicating with words / 3.Looking at kinds of words / 4.Using sing language / 5.Writing to communicate / 6.Communicating with your body / 7.Looking at sentences parts / 8.Writing clear sentences / 9.Writing and punctuation / Editing what you write / 10.Using a dictionary / 11.Meanings in the dictionary / 12.Telling stories / 13.Using colorful words / 14.Writing stories / 15.Acting out stories / 16.Informing / 17.Making oral announcements / 18.Writing Announcements / 19.Using proper nouns to inform / 20.Filling out forms / 21.Using Abbreviations / 22.Looking at directions / 23.Showing and telling / 24.Writing Directions / 25.Using map directions / 26.Making contractions / 27.Informing in letters / 28.Understanding letter parts/ punctuating letter parts / 29.Using colorful words / 30.Writing a letter/addressing an envelope / 31.Showing past time with verbs / 32.Reflecting / 33.Using adjectives / 34.Reflecting sound and smell / 35.Reflecting touch and taste / 36.Describing with all the senses / 37.Using suffixes to make adjectives / 38.Seeing details in space / Using this , that , these , those / 39.Pantomiming details / 40.Describing with space order / 41.Using be and have / 42.Using have as a helping verb / 43.Reflecting with poems / 44.Using repetition and rhyme / 45.Writing a poem / 46.Words that reflect feeling / 47.Reporting / 48.Reading a report / 49.Asking questions to get started / 50.Finding information in an Encyclopedia / 51.Taking notes/writing titles / 52.Looking up topics / 53.Looking at paragraphs / 54.Organizing notes / 55.Writing topic sentences / 56.Writing report paragraphs / 57.Using pronouns / 58.Finding information in books / 59.Planning your own report / 60.Finding facts for your report / 61.Writing your report / 62.Editing your report/avoiding tense changes / 63.Inventing / 64.Fact or fiction / 65.Looking at stories / 66.Looking at settings / 67.Using clear words/using all ready , already , all right / 68.Describing a setting / 69.Looking at characters / 70.Knowing characters / 71.Inventing a character / 72.Using irregular verbs : blow , grow , know , throw / 73.When characters speak / 74.Looking at dialogue / 75.Varying verbs in speaker tags / 76.Writing dialogue / 77.Writing a story/editing and sharing the story / 78.Persuading / 79.Arguing / 80.Writing reasons / 81.Comparing with irregular adjectives / 82.Editing for sense and purpose / 83.Writing a persuasive memo / 84.Using I and Me / 85.Using irregular verbs : speak , think , choose , feel / 86.Understanding fact and opinion / 87.Being persuasive / 88.Using words that organize / 89.Compressing information / 90.Writing summaries / 91.Persuading others / 92.Making a commercial / 93.Using possessive pronouns and nouns / 94.Thinking straight / 95.Imagining / 96.Making words with mis and pre / 97.Playing with words / 98.Choral reading / 99.Learning about limericks / 100.Using synonyms and antonyms / 101.Using clear pronouns / self pronouns / 102.Seeing yourself / 103.Feeling things differently / 104.Acting a part / 105.Making good inferences / drawing conclusions / 106.Looking at old sayings / 107.Seeing things differently / using would have correctly / 108.Creating your own world / using any and no / 109.Analyzing / 110.Looking at riddles / 111.Using words with different meanings / 112.Using sound - alikes / using weather and whether correctly / 113.Writing jokes / 114.Puzzling pictures / 115.Questions without answers / 116.Analyzing questions / questions that do not look like questions / 117.Writing complete answers / 118.Using irregular verbs : give , write , take / 119.Solving problems / 120.Discussing in groups / 121.Working on a group problem / 122.Choosing a solution / 123.Presenting group results

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